1863 letter

Dear Father,
I am sorry I have not written in a while. It has been a busy few months because we are so outnumbered in our army. General Lee is still the best though. We have lost a few battles but will come back stronger than ever. We need to after all of the blood shed on Sunken Lane(aka Bloody Lane)  in the Battle of Antietam. Anyway take care of mother. There is no rules you shouldn't when it comes to her health. I don't care what anyone says, make sure she knows how the blacks have been treating their owners since the war started. Did you hear about the Emancipation Proclamation? It is totally dumb and Lincoln is stupid to try to outsmart us. We still have control of slaves. The morale is pretty down though with Stonewall Jackson dying in Chancellorsville but our regiment has orders to fight very soon. I will make you proud!



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