Popular Songs for the Feds

Top Three Songs for CSA

1. "Dixie"

This song was important to the Feds because it was the anthem they would play during all of the attacks that the Feds led. Even though it was written by a Daniel Emmett, an abolitionist, for mockery at slaves for entertainment the South felt it greatly resembled their identity. It was the unofficial anthem of the Confederacy and the tune was catchy enough to be one of Abe Lincoln's favorite songs. 
 Here is a video of the song-

2. "The Bonnie Blue Flag"

This song was important to the Feds because it kept up morale. It was another unofficial anthem that was one of the most popular in the South second only to "Dixie". "The Bonnie Blue Flag" was written by Henry McCarthy and was to the tune of "The Irish Jaunting Car". People felt connected to it and the song was instantly wanted all over the South. 
Here is a video of the song-

3. "When Johnny comes marching home again"

This song was important to the Feds because it spoke of their longing for their sons and brothers and husbands to come home from fighting. This song was popular in both the North and South and was written by Patrick Gilmore under the name Louis Lambert. It was important to the South because it gives us a glimpse into hearts that longed for the joy that came with going home and ending war. 
Here is a video of the song-

These are songs popular to our beliefs in the South during the civil war. Hope you gain more insight!


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